Who is Who

All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and to avoid embarrassment of the living.

All events are true from our perspective, mileage may vary, don't read this while operating heavy machinery, may cause gangrene of the genitals, don't stop reading until you consult your doctor, and we are not responsible for anything on this blog and after you read it you will realize that we are emotionally and financially bankrupt so go peddle your psychosis someplace else, we have no vacancy on this crazy train.

Batten down the hatches 8/7/2005

Ok, it's official. Brother in Law is coming the first week of September, and the in-laws (as far as we know) are still planning on coming the third week of September.

This means taking all of our vacation days, which we don't mind doing for Brother in law, but the whole taking vacation for the "weekend" the in-laws will be here is torture.

With BIL, all we'll do is go out for coffee, lounge, eat, lounge, play Unreal Tournament (and now we actually have enough computers to do that).

Since we'll have multiple members of the family in the same state at once during one month, I'm guessing nothing short of a natural disaster or terrorist attack will occur, since that is a tradition with visits. I'll have to call my mom and warn her to stay away from power tools for those weeks.