Who is Who

All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and to avoid embarrassment of the living.

All events are true from our perspective, mileage may vary, don't read this while operating heavy machinery, may cause gangrene of the genitals, don't stop reading until you consult your doctor, and we are not responsible for anything on this blog and after you read it you will realize that we are emotionally and financially bankrupt so go peddle your psychosis someplace else, we have no vacancy on this crazy train.

Prepare for the Visit 6/1/2005

A month or so ago, the in-laws inquired about when the best time would be for them to visit (a certain place freezing over came to mind), so they decided they would visit for a weekend in September 2005.


A few weeks ago, we received the following e-mail:

Just got off line with Delta. Have Tickets on HOLD as follows:

Arr BWI 9/22 (Thurs) 4:10 PM -- don't worry about meeting plane; we
can drink coffee till you get off work OR we could rent car
Lv BWI 9/27 (Tues) 4:55 PM -- again, don't worry about
transportation; we can sit in the airport and read OR return rental.

Seats are assigned; all went well (isn't that scary). We are using
our mileage.Changes can be made if necessary.

Let us know whether or not you see a problem at this point. We know
your jobs have emergencies; don't try to predict the future. Just let
us know your feelings at this point. As time get's closer; we'll
discuss if Dad & I should go to Motel Mon 26th & Tues 27th -- so you
could get back to work.

/end of e-mail

Could they BE more pathetic. "Oh, don't worry about us, we can sit in the airport for hours and hours while we wait for you both to get off your jobs (whatever they are, as we're too self centered to ask)".

And since when did a weekend start on Thursday and end on Tuesday? Who gets a weekend like that? A weekend?

Oh, it gets better, as they've had to revise their itinerary, now they're arriving on Thursday and leaving on WEDNESDAY! Something about B's sister not doing well, so they're stopping out to visit her and that's the only way they could do that. Ok, sister not doing well? How about spending that WEEKEND with her?

There are only 4 more months left until they arrive, and I can't even begin to imagine what their itineray will look like by then. Perhaps spending the entire month with us? Yeah, in a hotel. ugh.