Who is Who

All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and to avoid embarrassment of the living.

All events are true from our perspective, mileage may vary, don't read this while operating heavy machinery, may cause gangrene of the genitals, don't stop reading until you consult your doctor, and we are not responsible for anything on this blog and after you read it you will realize that we are emotionally and financially bankrupt so go peddle your psychosis someplace else, we have no vacancy on this crazy train.

They're coming baaaaack! 6/17/2007

Hubby came down to talk to me as I was outside brushing our dog. For some odd reason he didn’t want to actually come outside with me, preferring to hide behind the screen door, for reasons that soon became very apparent.

He had asked me what “we” had sent to his father for Father’s day.

“A decorative and collectable tape dispenser in the shape of a golf bag with clubs” I announce. Its my mission to find the strangest things to send to B and M for their anniversaries, birthdays and other special events. I figure that we’ll be “willed” all of this crap when they finally kick, so why not make it interesting. Nothing could compare to the last gift I sent to B, it was a classic: A tin that contained cookies and teas that was in the shape of a dog... complete with metal dog balls. Classic. We got a tickled phone call from B after he got that one. I think he gets it, M is totally clueless.

Anyway, so I’m brushing the dog when hubby announcing that he and J will be going in together to get their father a digital camera. B has wanted one since their last visit when hubby bought one (and B threw the fit because he wanted to help buy it). I figured as much when I sent the gawdy and cheap tape dispenser. He also mentioned something about doing something nice for M when they were here this fall.

Excuse me?

Hubby begins talking quickly and backing away from the screen door, no doubt envisioning me beating him with the rather sharp grooming rake in my hand. “Well, if we get B the expensive camera, we didn’t get M anything nearly as expensive for her birthday or mother’s day so we’ll have to do something special for her when they get here on 1 September”.

Excuse me?

Apparently they’ve been “hinting” about wanting to come out again. I’m sure this is due to the fact that B’s heart is scheduled to explode within a year (much like their 5 year plan where they will run out of money and the “boys” will take care of them, they also seem to be scheduling their deaths). J and hubby had been talking it over and decided that they might as well come out when J comes out, that way we’ll get the visit out of the way, J can also enjoy the lunacy that erupts when they visit (sort of a tag team concept of looney). So much for our annual relaxing, playing video games, sleeping in and going to starbucks about 5 times a day annual vacation.

Oh, goody.

So, there we have it. They’re coming back out again. I’m sure they’ll be toting plenty of perishable items that they’ll hide in the guest room, and leave things uncovered in the fridge, and bring a whole slew of items for me to post and share with you all.

Thankfully on 1 September I’ll be out of town. OH THE SHAME! I won’t be coming back ever... I mean I won’t be coming back until 2 September... probably REALLY late, like REALLY LATE, so I’ll miss the initial viewing of the heirlooms, the arguing over where to eat and what to do, and who knows what hijinks may ensue in my absence. I’m sure I’ll get the scoop the moment I walk through the door... if I don’t get lost on the way home and end up staying in a hotel for a week.