Who is Who

All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and to avoid embarrassment of the living.

All events are true from our perspective, mileage may vary, don't read this while operating heavy machinery, may cause gangrene of the genitals, don't stop reading until you consult your doctor, and we are not responsible for anything on this blog and after you read it you will realize that we are emotionally and financially bankrupt so go peddle your psychosis someplace else, we have no vacancy on this crazy train.

Avoidance 9/25/2005

We've been having quite the M pouting scenes today. We went out to stain part of our deck, B walks up and says "where's my brush", so we hand him one, he happily slapped stain on the supports. M, on the other hand, sat at the stairs and pouted because she didn't want to help stain the deck, apparently that's actual work.

Loaded them into the 4-runner, while I took the RAV and dropped some boxes off at storage, where hubby confided that he was very close to strangling her. Apparently on the three mile drive to the storage place, she asked B a 15 minute long question followed by "hello? hello? hello? hello?" when he didn't respond (because we never know when her questions end).

Off to starbucks, then got the trucks washed, then to lunch. Hubby told me that they have requested a 15 minute quiet time to meet with them to discuss something. ugh. I'm sure its about the timeshare that we keep telling them to sell and they won't.

Office Depot for more printer paper, then dropped the 4-runner off for service. Hubby tells them "stay near the trucks, they aren't locked, we'll be right back". He walks with me to get the drop off form, turns around and they're following him. I saw a vein pop out of his head.

They asked 500 questions about Carmax, so we said "how about we just go take a look around". Oh no, that's ok. "no, we'll go in and take a look around". We did, then left. They were very quiet in the RAV.

Got home, they're planted on the couch watching golf, I'm hiding after taking 2 excedrin.