Who is Who

All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and to avoid embarrassment of the living.

All events are true from our perspective, mileage may vary, don't read this while operating heavy machinery, may cause gangrene of the genitals, don't stop reading until you consult your doctor, and we are not responsible for anything on this blog and after you read it you will realize that we are emotionally and financially bankrupt so go peddle your psychosis someplace else, we have no vacancy on this crazy train.

Day 1: The Arrival 10/20/2012

As usual, the in-laws waited until everyone had gotten off the plane before dawdling to the exit. This time M was in a wheelchair, for some reason, holding a cane.

We did the usual greetings and dawdled to baggage claim the floor below. M dismissed the airline wheelchair pusher at the elevator, and we thanked him for helping her.

At baggage claim M and I broke off to some seats so that G and B could get their bags, and M explained why she was carrying a bag with a box that contained the donuts they brought. She explained in great detail that the had gone to the Dollar store for plastic containers, but when they went to pick up the donuts, the donut shop REFUSED to put them in the plastic containers because the donuts would sweat, so M punched holes in the plastic containers but then she found two old boxes that fit in the reusable shopping bag that she got from a store where she bought a lot of stuff and she got it for free, which she felt was very nice because she shopped there a lot blah blah whatever.

The bags rolled out on the conveyor and they are two HUGE rolling suitcases. For a weekend trip. Turns out that one of the huge bags contains 3 cases of apples. Seriously. One huge suitcase full of apples.

We dawdled to the truck and loaded the bags, then drove to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner. Unfortunately for us, their computer was down so there was a very, very, very long wait for a waiter, food, etc. which left plenty of time for discussions about mindless things, that I blocked out.

We got home for the usual happy dog greeting. We wanted them to go to the guest room with all of their bags before we let the dogs out because we didn't want the dogs to knock over bags and people, etc. but they dawdled and wanted to stop and talk, and were talking over each other, and G was trying to herd them down the hall and they were stopping and G nearly has a stroke getting them to move.

They get in the guest room, I let the dogs out and fled with them outside to chain smoke. We finally got everyone settled in the house, chit chatted for a bit. B announces that the apples he brought were very special apples that you can't get anywhere else and it will be a wonderful treat for us... then pronounced that he brought the very same apples that we have right in our kitchen. Of course.

Shortly after that, we fled to bed.