The light blue denim shirt is for me. Note the husky is orange, she wanted it "redder".
The darker denim shirt is hubby's, and the husky actually looks pretty nice on it, its just that I don't know any man who would wear a denim shirt with a husky on it. Especially since he looks like he's straight out of a prison exercise yard.
Once again they've dragged x-mas ornaments (despite telling them we DON'T get a tree, we DON'T really celebrate x-mas), to the house.
They also brought a flask that one of them won at a golf tournament, that neither will use. So drag your worthless crap to our house and dump it on us then?
I'm sure the felt with our "drinking problem" that a flask would be handy.
So, this was what the question about "what do you serve your guests for food when you entertain" was all about.
That's right, she needed to pick out the right software design for her embroidary machine.
We also realized why people don't wear aprons while they cook on a grill. Hubby nearly caught this heirloom on fire a few times while cooking the infamous steak and salmon.
This apron goes really well with the embroidered prison yard shirt.
Can you say.... nope, not gonna say it.
This little goodie was hidden in the guest room with a note that we found after they left.
The note read something like "we didn't have time to get to these. Please throw them away or do with what you want."
Ok, they had 5 freakin days here, did we throw off their heirloom viewing schedule by making fresh sandwiches or something?
This bejewelled little item went right in the trash.
Baked Potato Seasoning.
Why would someone drag baked potato seasoning on a plane a zillion miles across the US?
It looks really old too.
Was this sitting in a box somewhere with our names on it. "oooh, the kids will really like this".
Was this meant for a baked potato that M had in her purse all this time, but she never got around to eating?
Is it not like we don't have stores here in the east?
baked potato seasoning?