Who is Who

All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and to avoid embarrassment of the living.

All events are true from our perspective, mileage may vary, don't read this while operating heavy machinery, may cause gangrene of the genitals, don't stop reading until you consult your doctor, and we are not responsible for anything on this blog and after you read it you will realize that we are emotionally and financially bankrupt so go peddle your psychosis someplace else, we have no vacancy on this crazy train.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

I apologize for not updating the rest of the trip for a while. I was hiding in bed, keening and rocking back and forth from the last few days of the visit, unable to think coherently for a while.

On Sunday it was raining again and we decided to take them on the tour of both Harley Davidson shops in town, just to get them out of the house. Since it was around 11 am, we decided to stop for breakfast and went to the usual Denny's, but there was a line a mile long waiting for a table. We opted to go to the Bob Evans near the airport (and there was some joking about taking them to the airport a day early and they were only half-hearted jokes).

We managed to get some food and had the usual uncomfortable silences and staring off into space to avoid eye contact. M offered her potato soup to everyone at the table... um, no thanks, as she was the only one NOT having breakfast and apparently that miffed her.

On the ride to the Harley stores we were bombarded by the usual strange questions:

"Why doesn't anyone live in that house?" Don't know
"Why are they fixing this road?" Don't know
"How many motorcycles do they sell here?" Don't know
"Are there any eagles here?" There are hawks, and some buzzards. "Oh, buzzards, where are they?" I don't know. "I would think they would have eagles here" um "I wonder why there are no eagles here" (I was going to say they were in Philadelphia, but I'm sure that would have brought on more questions since they wouldn't get the joke and kept my mouth shut)

We ended up back home and around 4pm we decided to go out for dinner. They were a bit taken aback by eating again, even though it had been 5 hours since our last meal, and frankly we were at a loss as to what to do with them at the house, since all they did was sit and stare and ask questions about tv shows.

Before we left, M approaches me and says:
"Did I happen to notice that in your bathroom you had some of that stuff that you can put on your hands?"
You mean hand lotion?
"No, if one were to, oh, say, pick a skin sore and cause it to bleed..."
"No, the ointment one would put on their skin if they had a sore"
"Yes, you see Bob always says that I pick at these sores and cause them to bleed and he tells me all the time to stop picking at them...."
At this point I fled into the bathroom to get the neosporine and avoid hearing any more about bleeding sores.

Why can't she just ask for neosporine?

We decided to go to Outback and along the way we also decided to plan their departure.

What time do you need to be at the airport?
"Well, the flight leaves at 8, and they say to be at the airport 2 hours early"
So you need to be at the airport at 6?
"Well, they said 2 hours early"
Ok, so how much time do you need to get ready?
"We can be ready in 15 minutes"
Ok, so that means we should probably get up around 5am, now do you want to go out for breakfast before you go to the airport.

Simple question, right? Apparently not

M starts in with how she's got some crackers and how they could possibly survive if they would get some of our delicious coffee before they left the house...

So you don't want to go for breakfast in the morning?

"Well, if one would want breakfast in the morning, what time would one have to get up in order to get breakfast in the morning?"

This went on for about 15 minutes, back and forth, back and forth... just answer the freakin question, if you want breakfast, we'll get up early enough to go, if you don't... AAAAAAAAAAHHH

So, it was finally determined that a stop at Starbucks would be sufficient.

We had a nice meal at Outback, with a discussion about digital photography, which M was not happy about because she's not interested in photography and therefore could do nothing except butt into the conversation with non-subject matter comments, and typically critical snippy comments directed at B.

That conversation continued after we got home where Hubby and B sat down to look over the photography computer program that Hubby uses... except M just couldn't keep out of it and kept interrupted, at which point hubby snapped at her... and she ran off into the guest room crying. I was oblivious to all this drama because I was nestled downstairs with the dog watching tv.

Since we would need to get up extremely early to not have breakfast, but get them to the airport on time, we decided to go to bed earlier than normal.