Who is Who

All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and to avoid embarrassment of the living.

All events are true from our perspective, mileage may vary, don't read this while operating heavy machinery, may cause gangrene of the genitals, don't stop reading until you consult your doctor, and we are not responsible for anything on this blog and after you read it you will realize that we are emotionally and financially bankrupt so go peddle your psychosis someplace else, we have no vacancy on this crazy train.

The Last Day 9/4/2007

Having stayed up with B most of the night while he bemoaned his past mistakes being the cause of everything from global warming to the end of the earth as we know it, I tried to sleep in but the dogs insisted that I get up. It was at that point that I started to sneeze uncontrollably, so I figured it was just allergies and took some minor allergy pills and hoped for the best. I hid downstairs and blew my nose a lot.

You know its bad when their flight doesn’t leave until 5pm and hubby is pushing them out the door around 11:30am to go to lunch so they won’t be late to the airport. We drove to Bob Evans and sat down. After our late night talk, I expected B to be a little more forthcoming with talking to his sons... ok, I didn’t, they’ll never change, and sure enough he was fixated on some old barn that was across from the restaurant. I just love (no, actually it drives me nuts) how they dissect each and every little bit of everything, as if they are experts in everything from the workmanship of old barns to super highways.

As we waited for our food, my nose started to run uncontrollably and I started feeling worse and worse. I wanted to shove napkin up my nose to keep it from running, but refrained as I’m sure that would have disturbed M, who chit chatted with me about pumpkin pie.

We ate, we talked about absolutely nothing at all, and since we had another hour before we had to get to the airport, off we went to Starbucks. By now I wanted to curl up on the curb and die, even the soothing iced venti three pump mocha didn’t help me. As we still had an HOUR before we had to get to the airport, hubby drives us over to Best Buy. A woman that was obvious in a huge hurry pulled in beside us and got out even though we had parked first. She ran into the store. We go into the store, and apparently she needed to buy a DVD in a hurry. That was a 20 minute speculation conversation about why she needed the DVD in a hurry, ranging from rushing to a dying friend whose last wish was to see this movie, to a myriad of other things. I stood in a corner and tried not to drip on anything.

The car ride to the airport consisted of the following questions:
Why are cars parked on that side of the street?
Why does Northrup Grumman have such a big building near the airport?

B started to complain about the golf tournament software that he had and how difficult it was to use. M chimed in (because she knows everything) and gave us an example of why it was so hard. She explained that if you had a whole bunch of people, for instance... and then she starts naming like 50 people! Well, she was inputting their names one by one... and then she goes through the list of names again! But lately she found a button that says include all, so she didn’t have to include all the names... AND NAMES THE PEOPLE AGAIN!

When we parked, they made a note of saying aloud the number of parking spaces per deck... I don’t know why.

So, we’re in the airport and I’m the walking dead and all I want is some heavy duty drugs, which I’m sure they have at one of the airport stores for an arm and a leg, but at this point I don’t care. As we parked 6,000 miles from the check in counter, we had to take two of the moving walkways to get there. THEY STAND ON THE MOVING WALKWAYS!! They don’t walk slowly, they just stand there and typically they stand right in the middle so more sane people in a hurry can’t pass them.

We FINALLY get to the ticket counter and B goes to get the electronic tickets. M stands in the way with her carry on bag, we step WAY out of the way. We sat and watched a line form behind M. Finally someone points out that there is a free kiosk to get tickets. M then goes into great detail that she’s just waiting for her husband as they are flying home to help with a golf tournament, etc. The person just walks away as she’s in mid-explanation. The next person gets in behind her, she doesn’t say anything, finally they point out the free kiosk and she launches into the same explanation, and instead of realizing, “hey, people think I’m waiting” it takes her two more people before she moves BACK a little, same problem. I resisting body slamming her out of the way.

While all of this is going on, the Starbucks napkin (made from the finest chunks of wood pulp) that I’m blowing my nose on has disintegrated, I excuse myself and literally sprint to the news stand and buy kleenex and a small packet of nyquil and dry swallow it.

By the time I get back, they are at the entrance to security, so there are the obligatory good-bye hugs (cold, dead barely touching me hug from M and the “I’m going to die at any moment I’ll never see you again” hug from B) and we waited for them to go through the whole security thing and disappear before sprinting to the car. Freedom to lounge.

We got home and I pretty much slept for the rest of the afternoon in glorious peace and quiet.

Tomorrow I will be purging their extensive amount of left overs that they at least attempted to cover before shoving in the fridge.