Only four more days until the in-laws arrive. I spent most of the weekend cleaning out the guest room, doing laundry, and vacuuming. Good enough.
Hubby got a call from them last week saying they were bringing a crate of apples and some donuts. Wha?
Yes, apparently, once again, they don't think we have grocery stores here, or that we can purchase apples from their home state because supply chains aren't that extensive to the East Coast, so how can we be expected to buy Washington State apples... at the local Safeway... year round.
The donuts... no clue.
Anyways, we joked about how M would fit a whole crate of apples and donuts in her purse and make it through TSA screening, but apparently they've contacted the airlines and made arrangements, which I'm sure will go without a hitch.
Do I really want to eat donuts and apples that have gone through radiation, bomb sniffing machines, handled by TSA workers (who knows what they do to things, other than steal them)? That answer would be "no". I'm not going to eat any of it. I may pretend to, only to spit it out, but really? Euw.
I'm in denial that they're actually coming.
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