Unfortunately (for hubby) I woke up with a horrible headache and was unable to go with the group to the mall to get things, so I had a nice relaxing few hours by myself in my house with no interruptions.
Chaos ensued when they got back because they had bought a bunch of things to make with the big salmon we had shipped in. The shipper didn’t filet it like we asked, so we had a whole salmon minus the head, tail and guts to deal with and nobody really had any idea how to filet it, so I ended up doing it thanks to watching Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe and learning all about cutting up fish from one of the episodes. See, tv is educational!
Of course, the kitchen was a mess, M just sat and watched everyone doing everything and didn’t bother to pitch in. I’m sure she was waiting for an invitation, which she typically does. She just won’t help out unless asked, and then will pout if nobody asks her to do anything.
While the food was grilling B starts in on the hometown news, which pretty much consists of everyone that has died and the details of their grisly deaths. OOH, there was this nice young couple that was planning on going on a cruise and the day of the cruise the husband died of a cerebral hemorrhage. And you remember that nice family down the block, well they died in a horrible car wreck, etc.
We also got treated to a rehash of their miserable flight, miserable food, miserable customer service, and then there was the concern that our fax machine wasn’t working because they should have received a fax by now and they couldn’t understand why there were no faxes, and are we sure the fax machine actually works and could you check to see if there were any faxes. Um, no faxes, sorry.
After we ate we decided to go drive around and take pictures for hubby’s camera class. We were treated to M’s discussion of “people that park in front of grocery stores”, at least I think that was the topic, as she tends to talk about nothing, throw in little details that really have nothing to do with the story, and never come to a point. It went something like this: “oh yes, when we go to the store we always park in the designated areas, and usually there isn’t a problem with people parking right in front of the store, but when the working people get off work, you see the stay at home moms and the retired people don’t park in front of the store, its only those working people that do it, so during the day its not a problem and you can walk right into the store, but after those people get off work there’s always cars parked in front of the store, and I asked the manager one time if they could do something about that but this one time there was a car parked there and I went in to get a few things and frankly if you are running in to get some crackers or some dip for a small party you may be attending, you know just to get a bag of chips or something. although if you are going to a party you shouldn’t just bring chips, you should also probably get something else because chips just aren’t enough if one were to be asked to bring something, I generally try to get some dip or other items to bring to those types of things, but anyway I went into the store to grab a few items for this bridge party that we had been invited to, this nice older lady whose husband died a few years back has us over for bridge about once a month and I always try to bring over something nice to share with everyone, so when I went into the store there was this lady there and she had this huge cart full of groceries and I know that had to be her car that was parked in the front, so it wasn’t as if she had just run in to grab something for a party, she had a whole cart full of stuff and by the time I checked out and went back to the car she was still checking out so I know that must have been her car that was sitting in front of the store.”
My head exploded.
So we ended up at this lake and the sun was going down and we were taking pictures of a fountain and some other things and discussing cameras and all that. Out of the blue, M asks me: “Do you carry a flashlight?” “Um, no”. “oh”, she says, and that was that. I have no idea WHY she would ask me if I carry a flashlight, or if she actually needed a flashlight as it was still light out, or why I would possibly need to carry a flashlight, but it seemed very important to her to ask me that.
My head exploded.
On the way home we got to hear about their cell phone issues. Apparently when they were in some small town M got a signal, but B didn’t. Then they would drive a little ways and B would have a signal and M wouldn’t. They had gone to the cell phone provider and asked them why this was, they had the same cell phones, so shouldn’t they get the same signal. Hubby tried to explain the mechanics of cell phones and why that may be possible, but they said that wasn’t the case, even though that was the exact same explanation that they had received from two separate cell carrier customer service people. Ok... yes, my head exploded.
Chaos ensued when they got back because they had bought a bunch of things to make with the big salmon we had shipped in. The shipper didn’t filet it like we asked, so we had a whole salmon minus the head, tail and guts to deal with and nobody really had any idea how to filet it, so I ended up doing it thanks to watching Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe and learning all about cutting up fish from one of the episodes. See, tv is educational!
Of course, the kitchen was a mess, M just sat and watched everyone doing everything and didn’t bother to pitch in. I’m sure she was waiting for an invitation, which she typically does. She just won’t help out unless asked, and then will pout if nobody asks her to do anything.
While the food was grilling B starts in on the hometown news, which pretty much consists of everyone that has died and the details of their grisly deaths. OOH, there was this nice young couple that was planning on going on a cruise and the day of the cruise the husband died of a cerebral hemorrhage. And you remember that nice family down the block, well they died in a horrible car wreck, etc.
We also got treated to a rehash of their miserable flight, miserable food, miserable customer service, and then there was the concern that our fax machine wasn’t working because they should have received a fax by now and they couldn’t understand why there were no faxes, and are we sure the fax machine actually works and could you check to see if there were any faxes. Um, no faxes, sorry.
After we ate we decided to go drive around and take pictures for hubby’s camera class. We were treated to M’s discussion of “people that park in front of grocery stores”, at least I think that was the topic, as she tends to talk about nothing, throw in little details that really have nothing to do with the story, and never come to a point. It went something like this: “oh yes, when we go to the store we always park in the designated areas, and usually there isn’t a problem with people parking right in front of the store, but when the working people get off work, you see the stay at home moms and the retired people don’t park in front of the store, its only those working people that do it, so during the day its not a problem and you can walk right into the store, but after those people get off work there’s always cars parked in front of the store, and I asked the manager one time if they could do something about that but this one time there was a car parked there and I went in to get a few things and frankly if you are running in to get some crackers or some dip for a small party you may be attending, you know just to get a bag of chips or something. although if you are going to a party you shouldn’t just bring chips, you should also probably get something else because chips just aren’t enough if one were to be asked to bring something, I generally try to get some dip or other items to bring to those types of things, but anyway I went into the store to grab a few items for this bridge party that we had been invited to, this nice older lady whose husband died a few years back has us over for bridge about once a month and I always try to bring over something nice to share with everyone, so when I went into the store there was this lady there and she had this huge cart full of groceries and I know that had to be her car that was parked in the front, so it wasn’t as if she had just run in to grab something for a party, she had a whole cart full of stuff and by the time I checked out and went back to the car she was still checking out so I know that must have been her car that was sitting in front of the store.”
My head exploded.
So we ended up at this lake and the sun was going down and we were taking pictures of a fountain and some other things and discussing cameras and all that. Out of the blue, M asks me: “Do you carry a flashlight?” “Um, no”. “oh”, she says, and that was that. I have no idea WHY she would ask me if I carry a flashlight, or if she actually needed a flashlight as it was still light out, or why I would possibly need to carry a flashlight, but it seemed very important to her to ask me that.
My head exploded.
On the way home we got to hear about their cell phone issues. Apparently when they were in some small town M got a signal, but B didn’t. Then they would drive a little ways and B would have a signal and M wouldn’t. They had gone to the cell phone provider and asked them why this was, they had the same cell phones, so shouldn’t they get the same signal. Hubby tried to explain the mechanics of cell phones and why that may be possible, but they said that wasn’t the case, even though that was the exact same explanation that they had received from two separate cell carrier customer service people. Ok... yes, my head exploded.