To start the sense of impending doom, we've received 2 e-mails from M this week.
The first was to ask us:
"When you entertain, what do you plan as meals? Beef and seafood, hot dogs and hamburgers, other? What about beverages? I'm a bit tardy in asking this question."
ok, we don't "entertain". That sounds like we're the Von Trapp family or the Kennedy clan. We have people over. If its friends, we'll go all out and have some nice steaks and seafood. If its co-workers or something, it'll be hot dogs and hamburgers, depends on if they bring their kids, but it all depends on who is coming over.
We talked it over and have the following scenarios:
1.) She is having a reputable company mail us grilling foods, so we can fix them and eat them while they are here. Regardless of what we would have said, it would be whatever M wants, which is probably liver, asparagus, and walnuts (the three things she claims her sons love, but actually they hate, SHE likes those things). A nice gesture, but it always seems as though she thinks we live in the Andes mountains and don't have grocery stores. How about we all go out and pick out some food that everyone likes and we cook it. OR how about you eat whatever we have, as we've already gone out and stocked up on food, and if you have special needs diets then we'll go out when you get here and buy it.
2.) She is buying meats, freezing them and packing a cooler for the plane ride. Once again, too much effort and pretty silly if you ask me (but also perfectly plausible in her mind), we do have things called supermarkets here.
3.) She is buying meats and bringing them in her purse. The most logical conclusion after the "steak sandwich" incident. Which reminds me, I need to tell you all about THAT fiasco.
The second e-mail was her stating that she checked her tickets today (making us freak out thinking she gave us the wrong dates when they would arrive and leave) and mentioned how she thought they were arriving around 6pm, but it turns out they are arriving around 4pm. She went into great lengths about how we weren't to rush and get off work early. They had not planned on renting a car, but would if necessary, and would simply get their luggage and sit and wait for us at the airport until we could come get them. sigh... weep. She went on to mention the hotel and other arrangements if "we should be too busy with work to spend time with them"... oh lord!
So it begins. And they aren't even here yet.