Who is Who

All names have been changed to protect the innocent, and to avoid embarrassment of the living.

All events are true from our perspective, mileage may vary, don't read this while operating heavy machinery, may cause gangrene of the genitals, don't stop reading until you consult your doctor, and we are not responsible for anything on this blog and after you read it you will realize that we are emotionally and financially bankrupt so go peddle your psychosis someplace else, we have no vacancy on this crazy train.

Turkey Surprise 2/23/2005

Since we haven't received any good heirloom boxes in a while, I thought I would update everyone on some past stories while we wait for the semi truck of heirlooms to arrive. By the way, hubby never sent back the letter telling M "NO", so who knows what will happen. We're sorta hoping they write us out of the will.

and now...

Turkey Surprise

My brother-in-law, J, and his wife live in the Portland, Oregon area, close enough to the in-laws to be bothered. My sister-in-law, BA's, father passed away a while ago, so they split the holiday visits between the two homes. For Thanksgiving, they would go visit Ba's mom, and for Christmas they would drive to Washington State and visit J's parents. Seems pretty fair.

One year, M pitched a fit how they never spent Thanksgiving with them. She made such a big deal about it, that J finally agreed that he and BA would go to BA's mother's for Thanksgiving, then drive to Washington State and spend Thanksgiving evening with them. He stated that they should arrive at their house around 5pm.

As the story goes, around noon on Thanksgiving, M places her sumptuous turkey dinner on the table and awaits the arrival of J and BA. Hours pass, and she grows more and more distraught and angry, until she finally "has it".

Dutifully (and tired after driving all over the place), J and BA arrive on time at 5pm. Chaos ensues, where M insists they said they would be there for Thanksgiving dinner at noon, Jack insisting he said no such thing, and B trying to be the peacemaker. Finally, tempers cool, and M offers to fix them something to eat so they can at least sit down as a family and be thankful together.

After about an hour, she announces that the food is ready, and they sit down to a very curious cassarole that M "threw together". Bits of turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes... a mish mash of thanksgiving type foods, and other unidentifiable things. According to J, it was a horrid concoction, and he could barely choke it down, but after the whole blow up, didn't want to start M off on another tangent.

After they had finished, B took J aside and admitted what had happened. In her snit at being "stood up", M had taken all of the food and thrown it into the trash. The casserole she had "whipped up" was what she had pulled out of the trash can.